Jute : an ancestral fiber

  • Jute is a natural fiber with a silky gold shine : it owes it its nickname of "Gold Fiber"
  • Jute is the second natural fiber in terms of production and use, just behind cotton
  • We estimate the beginning of jute cultivation back to 800 before J.C.
  • Jute is recognized since more than 200 years as a substitute to the linen and European hemp

Jute cultivation

  • Jute plant growth in humid regions. 85% of the global production comes from the Gulf of Bengal , India for 60% and Bangladesh for 25%, closely followed by Myanmar (Burma) and Nepal
  • In India and Bangladesh, jute allows 4 million farmers to live, providing a livelihood for 20 million people. Hundreds of millions of people work in manufacturing
  • Jute plant uses a big workforce because of the mechanization which is not suitable

Jute assets

  • Jute is available in inexhaustible quantities and for a low price, which would replace the more expensive fibers and scarce natural resources
  • Jute is composed by cellulose and lignin, two biodegradable components, and it does not release toxic gases

On the way to sustainable development ?

  • In addition to bags, jute is now used as a component of high-value products such as flooring, paper pulp, technical textiles, etc.
  • The International Studies Group of Jute (http://www.jute.org), created on 2002, aims to ensure the promotion of this fiber and market transparency. India, Bangladesh, the 27 countries of the European Union and Switzerland are represented in